Friday, August 15, 2008

Change in credits for fulltime student status

I've been getting a few questions about the impact of the change in the fulltime credits on financial aid (including student loans). Here's the situation:

Full time for grad students was 12 credits, but has been lowered to 9 credits starting fall 2008.

This really doesn't impact financial aid for those of you who have been getting financial aid as part time students. Financial aid has always had the guideline of half-time status eligibility. So now you must take a minimum of 5 credits (9 credits / 2 = 4.5 credits, rounded up is 5 credits) to be considered a half time student and to be eligible for financial aid.

If you have specific questions, you can call the Student Financial Planning office (aka "financial aid") at 515-271-2905.

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