Thursday, December 6, 2007

Graduation Tasks

I believe I've spoken with each of you for whom this is relevant, but just-in-case...

if you're planning to graduate December 2007, Spring 2008, Summer 2008:

--you need to complete a graduate application which is available in the Dean's office in the School of Education

--your graduation date is whenever you finish, but graduation ceremony is only held once a year in the Spring. Each of the three completion dates listed above are eligible to participate in the Spring 2008 graduation ceremony

--if you are participating in the graduation ceremony (and I think you should!) be sure to order your cap and gown rental at the bookstore. The required date for this is BEFORE JANUARY 3. (generally you can order a bit after that, but you're likely to get the "cheaper" robes in your rental. After all this effort and time, I think you deserve the nicer get there before the 3rd!)

Let me know if you have questions.

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