Monday, November 5, 2007

GREAT Learning Resource for Learning Computer Applications

As part of your tuition (and tech fee) you have access to the entire tutorial library of Atomic Learning. These are online tutorials for a wide range of software from the MS Office suite (word, excel, powerpoint, access), other popular applications (like Photoshop, Dreamweaver, and Illustrator), the Apple iLife series (itunes, iphoto, imovie, garageband), development applications (like Flash and Fireworks), online applications (like Google docs) and a whole lot more!

You still need to have the application on your desk to use the product (i.e. you can learn about Photoshop with the tutorial, but you still need to buy Photoshop if you want to use it to edit your photos), but it's a great resource.

Atomic Learning is a subscription site so you can't navigate to it directly, you need to go through BlueView. Once you've logged in to BlueView and arrived at the home page, click on "How do I" and Atomic Learning will open in a new window.

So...if you've always wanted to learn how to use some new software, or make better use of the software you already have, check out Atomic Learning!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Rockstar. This really helped me with some items that don't use very much. Thanks Robin!