To help faculty, staff, and students be as effective as possible in emergency situations, Drake has just released its most current emergency response plan. I encourage you to take a look at's located in BlueView, on the home page, under Campus Alerts.
Here are a few highlights:
- Drake security: Drake's security can be reached at: 515-271-2222 (non-emergency) and by dialing 811 from campus (emergency).
- Communication: Primary communication will be through the Drake's intranet. In case of emergency, I encourage you to monitor BlueView, your Drake email, and (which will be the information channel for the public.)
- Severe weather/class cancellations: local TV and radio stations will announce closures. You can also call the Drake Cancellation line, 515-271-4545. If possible, closures will be announced on However, since the people that handle the communication work during the week and our classes are on weekends, you will often need to rely on your instructor to communicate class cancellations. For me...I will email students to let you know about class cancellations and will post an announcement on Blackboard and/or any other class communication tools (like a class blog). You are, of course, also welcome to call me. It's likely other instructors will do the same thing, but you may want to discuss this at the start of your classes.
Hopefully now that we have this information we'll never have to use it...but we've got it just-in-case!
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