Friday, March 28, 2008

"Mis-matched" higher ed course numbers for registration

I suppose it's inevitible that when you restructure a program (like ALPD to ALOP) there are bound to be a few technical snafu's. Here's the first one:

Apparently the course numbers for the classes in the higher ed concentration have different numbers in our brochure and on the stickers, than the numbers that are listed in MYDUSIS. Of course, this has the potential to be confusing for you because we're starting registration next week. So here's the scoop:

You think the number is: -----MYDUSIS thinks the number is:
ALOP283:Seminar in Stud Svcs--ALOP284:Seminar in Stud Svcs
ALOP284:Hist & Phil of High Ed---ALOP282:Hist & Phil of High Ed

We're going to try to get them synched up, but if we don't, you now know what you need to register with minimal confusion! No matter what, if you go by the title, you'll be all set!

Sorry for any confusion!

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Short Notice! Jane Elliott in Ames tonight!

I just heard that Jane Elliott (creator of the Brown eyes/Blue eyes diversity exercise) will be presenting an interactive workshop tonight at ISU in Ames. It's a wonderful opportunity if you can make it!

Here's the info:
"The Anatomy of Prejudice"
Jane Elliott
7 p.m., March 27
Memorial Union Sun Room
Free and open to the public

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Did you get your "free" MS office software?

Reminder: one of the benefits of the tech fee you pay each semester is that you can pick up a copy of MS office (for the macintosh or windows). If you have not yet picked yours up, you can get it in the basement of Carnegie Hall before 4:30p Monday-Friday. Currently they are distributing office 2003.

For everyone--I recently heard that they are going to start distributing 2007 (windows) and 2008 (macintosh) in June and because it's a version change you can pick up a new disk whether or not you've picked one up in the last year! I'll try to send you a note when they are available, but you might also want to make yourself a reminder to call the help desk in June (515-271-3001) and see when the new versions are available.

Monday, March 10, 2008

Summer & Fall registration

The summer and spring courses are now available on MYDUSIS.

Also posted on BlueView is the schedule for when registration opens for each of you.

Here it is in a nutshell: Registration dates are based on the number of credits you earned as of the end of Fall 2007 semester (since we're in the middle of spring semester, you technically have not yet earned your spring semester credits and that's why we don't count them.)

The dates/times for School of Ed, graduate students are:
  • 18 or more credits -- Mar 31, 3:00pm
  • less than 18 credits -- Apr 1, 3:00pm

You should be able to register through MYDUSIS.

Good luck and let me know if you have any questions!