Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Leadership: Networking & Relationships

I know several of you are in the leadership concentration. Here are a few blog posts from the Center for Creative Leadership (CCL--one of the premier leadership development organizations in the world) describing:

Maybe not earth-shattering...but good, quick, reminders!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Spring Registration

Hopefully you've all seen an email announcing the times/dates for spring registration. Registration starting date/time is based on the number of credits you've already earned. Just in case you missed the email, here they are again:

  • if you have 25+ credits as of the end of summer semester--registration opens Oct 22, 3:00pm

  • if you have 13+ credits as of the end of summer semester--registration opens Oct 23, 3:00pm

  • if you have 1+ credit as of the end of summer semester--registration opens Oct 24, 3:00pm

  • If you have <>

Of course, you register online through MYDUSIS.
Let me know if you have any questions.

Friday, October 5, 2007

Another member to our advisee group!

Welcome Kimberly who is not new to ALOP (having taken classes for several semesters) but is new to our advisee group. Welcome aboard Kimberly!

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Registration and a Resource

We're narrowing in on the registration dates for Spring semester...it will start the week of Oct 22!

Another Resource
Drake has always offered professional and career development services for undergraduates and now they are extending the invitation to graduate students. They might still be on a bit of a learning curve with grad students, but give them a try...they want to help! Support from them might include career assessment, review of cover letter and resume, mock interviews, etc. You can access them through the website or by contacting Kelli Turner (kelli.turner@drake.edu, 515-271-1978)

Monday, October 1, 2007

Spring/Summer Schedule

I have emailed you the ALOP class schedule for Spring and Summer 2008. I don't have the final dates yet for registration (it's in the end of October/beginning of November timeframe), but I'll let you know once I hear when it is. In the meantime, if you want to meet to talk about your schedule before registration, just let me know and we can set something up.

You'll notice that the dissemination night for ALOP 291 -- Applied Research, our capstone class-- is May 1, 7:00pm. This is a night that's open to the public, during which the ALOP 291 students share their research. It's a great time to support your classmates, learn something new, and (if you haven't taken research yet) get some insight into the kinds of research projects students undertake! Consider putting it on your calendar and joining us!

Let me know if you have any questions.